A Typical Evaluation at The Vein Center of Sarasota


Building PicIf you have varicose veins make an appointment to see Dr. Schiro at The Vein Center of Sarasota.  The diagnosis is usually made by the patient and based simply on the appearance of the veins.

Dr. Schiro will do a complete history and physical examination.  He will examine your legs while sitting, standing, and maybe with your legs dangling on the exam table.

If you have spider veins and no bulging varicose veins Dr. Schiro will be able to reassure you that it is not a significant problem and that spider veins have mostly cosmetic consequences.  If the spider veins don’t bother the patient, no therapy is recommended.  If the spider veins bother the patient from a cosmetic standpoint, sclerotherapy with or without cutaneous laser therapy will be recommended.

If, during the initial presentation, the patient demonstrates bulgy varicose veins, a duplex ultrasound (or a Doppler ultrasound) will be recommended to accurately diagnosis the leaking or incompetent vein.

During the study, a hand-held device is placed over your skin and passed back and forth over the legs.  A computer converts sound waves into a picture of the blood flow in the veins.  This study is used to precisely detect many things including blood clots, the size of the veins, the direction of blood flow in the veins, and the exact location of the leaking or incompetent valves that are responsible for the varicose veins.

Once a complete evaluation is accomplished Dr. Schiro will sit down with you and discuss the precise findings and outline a plan of treatment.

The entire visit will take a little over one hour.

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Dr. Joseph C. Schiro
1762 Hawthorne Street, Suite 4
Sarasota, FL 34239
Tel:  941-364-8346

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4 pm


About Dr. Schiro

Vein Disease




Before &  After


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